Would it be possible for the upcoming packet to get a map with the alignment for the tunnel that has the following? 1) Highways, railroads — any major infrastructure that is easy to label. It needs a few more markers for users. 2) A legend for miles. 3) Names of the islands through which it passes and refuges — public boat launches if time permits. My request is for readability.
All maps presented since January 2020 at the Stakeholder Engagement Committee meetings include major highways, railroads, legend in miles and names of the islands. A separate […]
The map presented at the December Stakeholder Engagement Committee meeting was prepared with information collected in past studies. The recreational areas shown on that map included […]
The project would not significantly impact the magnitude of reverse flows that would already occur in the river/Delta system. The project would divert water until the […]
“The geotechnical team has collated data from soil borings conducted not only for the prior project but from other construction projects across the Delta, including design […]
The demonstrations shown likely did not show peat soils. For the Delta Conveyance tunnel, based upon existing available geotechnical information, peat soils would not exist at […]
The fish passage time across the intakes would depend upon the flow velocity in the Sacramento River, depth of the water and fish swimming patterns across […]
“The DCA siting analyses presented at the SEC are focused on design and construction considerations of physical facilities. Environmental considerations will be evaluated as part of […]
Alternatives are developed by DWR as part of completion of the EIR in accordance with CEQA, including consideration of scoping comments. Scoping comments will inform the development of alternatives. At this […]