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Will there be some information provided to the committee regarding hydraulic impacts such as water surface elevations and velocity?

June 15, 2020

Will there be some information provided to the committee regarding hydraulic impacts such as water surface elevations and velocity?

DWR will perform hydraulic and hydrodynamic modeling for the proposed project and alternatives as part of the CEQA analysis. Modeling will be used to estimate changes […]
June 15, 2020

Will there be real-time disclosure with water quality issues found during construction?

The State Water Resources Control Board or Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board will issue a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan permit to regulate water quality […]
June 15, 2020

Is it possible to incorporate a riparian zone into the design of an intake facility, and would that be easier with the cylindrical tee screen or vertical flat plate type?

It could be possible to provide some type of vegetation at portions of the intake locations following construction. Riparian habitat disturbed upstream and downstream of the […]
June 15, 2020

How will this facility be ensured to not kill Delta smelt, as has been reported to be happening at Clifton Court Forebay?

The proposed intakes will include fish screens specifically designed to exclude Delta smelt from entering the system prior to diversion using state-of-the-art fish screening meeting all […]
June 15, 2020

Is there any consideration given to any type of unexpected wildlife that gets stuck in the sedimentation basin, such as monitoring of eggs?

The DCA intake analyses to date have focused on development of the fish screen configuration. Operational issues, including those related to wildlife management and protection, would […]
June 15, 2020

Will the impact analysis of the fish screen brushing on the food web be performed to a microscopic level?

DWR plans to assess changes to primary and secondary productivity resulting from new operations as part of the analysis in the EIR. Operations and maintenance of […]
June 15, 2020

Can SEC members get answers to questions about the river bends from fish biologists, since there is a difference of opinion within the fish biology community?

DWR intends to consider and document analyses and other relevant biological information supporting the assessment of siting, constructing and operating intake facilities on the Sacramento River […]
June 15, 2020

Is there any correlation with outside bends and in-migration and out-migration of fish?

See attached response.
June 15, 2020

What are the calculations on the volume of sediment for these flows and for high water events?

Sediment removal quantity calculations at the intakes would be dependent on total diversion amounts, which will be developed as DWR completes operational modeling for the EIR. […]