All soils excavated during construction, including reusable tunnel material (RTM), would be tested for the presence of constituents, including mercury. The concentration of these constituents would […]
The largest extent of dewatering flows on the Delta Conveyance program construction sites would probably be from the vertical tunnel shaft locations, which would extend less […]
Hydrodynamic modeling has not yet been conducted. However, it is expected from previous modeling that the intake structures would not materially impact the water levels in […]
The geotechnical data currently being evaluated consist of summary reports, well drilling reports and/or soil investigations by DWR (including flood projects), Caltrans and other state agencies. […]
DWR will evaluate the potential for harmful algal blooms through a comparison of conditions with and without implementation of the project and alternatives. This comment is […]
The environmental impact analysis for Delta Conveyance has not yet started. Mitigation plans have not been developed for the program, and restoration locations have not been […]
DWR will assess potential impacts to fish and wildlife (including plants) and associated habitat during future environmental compliance activities, including the CEQA environmental review process. This […]