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What is seepage when tunnel segments are put together?

June 12, 2020

What is seepage when tunnel segments are put together?

We do not expect seepage from connecting tunnel segments due to the construction method. The tunnel segments are put together within the cylindrical steel shield of […]
June 12, 2020

What will be the impact of dewatering and excavation on aquifers?

As described at the January 22, 2020, SEC meeting, the intake construction site would be surrounded by a slurry wall. Slurry walls would serve to isolate […]
June 12, 2020

Will the other levees across from the proposed intake sites need to be raised, widened, etc.?

Since water level impacts would not be expected to require levee modifications, impacts to the bank opposite the intakes would be evaluated using Hydrodynamic modeling to […]
June 12, 2020

What construction is going to be happening simultaneously throughout the whole project?

At this point in the project, the sizes and locations of the facilities under the proposed project and the potential alternatives are being developed. As more […]
June 12, 2020

It was mentioned that there would be new barge routing and landing “overlay maps.” Do you know if they are available yet for either the proposed eastern route or the westerly (original route)?

DCA is developing maps that indicate areas along the Delta waterways that could be used by different sized barges, areas that may not support barge traffic, […]
June 12, 2020

How will the new levee affect the other Delta levees?

The modified levees at the intake locations would be limited to short lengths on either side of the intake and would be designed to the most […]
June 12, 2020

Is there siting information available for burrow pits?

SEC meetings 3-8 break the project up into individual components, each with their individual requirements for imported material. For components where a lot of import is […]
June 12, 2020

What are the specifics of the tunneling process, machinery used, material derived and its treatment?

The February 12, 2020, meeting included a presentation that describes the specifics of the tunneling process.
June 12, 2020

Regarding pile drivers: How many sites, are they all at once, how close, duration?

Pile driving could be used at numerous locations of the Delta Conveyance program, including the intakes. The January 22, 2020, presentation on intakes described the potential […]