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Why all of this for one region?

June 12, 2020

Why all of this for one region?

With these new proposed intake locations, the State Water Project would have greater flexibility to adapt to climate change, manage rising sea levels, function in the […]
June 12, 2020

The ITR report sought to determine if CEQA could have an approach for the unknowns. How can that comment be assimilated? The Big Bertha TBM used on the Alaska Way Viaduct got stuck 1,000 feet into the tunnel drive. How is that type of possibility going to be addressed from the engineering point of view?

During the ITR team review, it was discussed that use of maintenance shafts approximately every 5 miles with full maintenance procedures at those shafts would substantially […]
June 12, 2020

What flood standard is being used to determine the height of the shaft pads compared to what DWR has analyzed in the fourth climate change assessment for storm surge and downstream flood risk?

Over the lifetime of the Delta Conveyance program, the facilities would be designed for the 200-year flood event, projected sea level rise for year 2100, freeboard […]
June 12, 2020

Are the maintenance and retrieval shafts being kept or filled after construction of the project?

Decisions about the post-construction design have not been completed. There are many considerations currently being discussed, including not removing the shafts to allow for access into […]
June 12, 2020

If heavy concrete is put on top of these soils, how will the sites be stable?

As currently proposed, the shaft would be constructed with a diaphragm wall or concrete shell that would extend to the bottom of the tunnel where there […]
June 12, 2020

The Delta Conveyance program facilities, including tunnel shafts that are currently proposed to remain following construction, would be constructed at elevations greater than the 200-year flood event and projected sea level rise at year 2100 with considerations for freeboard and wind fetch waves.

The Delta Conveyance program facilities, including tunnel shafts that are currently proposed to remain following construction, would be constructed at elevations greater than the 200-year flood […]
June 12, 2020

What is the power source for the tunnel cutter head?

As currently proposed, a dedicated high-voltage power supply would be connected to the launch shaft sites to power the tunnel boring machine cutter head.
June 12, 2020

Would tunnel segments still be lowered into the tunnel from launch shafts even if there was a maintenance shaft available?

As currently proposed, the maintenance shaft sites would only be sized to remove the cutter head. The launch shaft sites would be sized to lift the […]
June 12, 2020

The ITR report notes there are no active fault crossings in the Delta conveyance alignment and that seismic demands are not extreme compared to other projects, and DCA indicated it agreed on that statement. Why are we building tunnels if seismic issues are not a concern?

The ITR report’s note reflects the fact that the current tunnel corridors do not contain active faults and tunneling options themselves would not be uniquely affected […]