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Can members have access to the recent geotechnical data collected?

June 15, 2020

Can members have access to the recent geotechnical data collected?

The geotechnical data currently being evaluated consist of project-specific data collected over the past years by DWR, supplemented by historic data from other agencies. The project […]
June 15, 2020

What possible impact will the project have on the Park District’s several properties in the South-Central Delta that are under irrigation leases?

At this time the corridors shown in the NOP do not appear to include East Bay Regional Park District parks. The Central Corridor does include the […]
June 15, 2020

Will you be identifying and protecting native plant species around the Clifton Court Forebay used for tribal medicinal practices?

DWR, as the CEQA lead agency, will conduct a CEQA analysis on the proposed Delta Conveyance program that includes analyzing potential impacts to biological, cultural and […]
June 15, 2020

Are you going to coordinate markers on each soil collection point so levee impacts can be tracked by RDs?

Yes. The exploration locations will be documented with survey coordinates using current datums, and a metallic pin will also be buried in the top of the […]
June 15, 2020

Will there be real-time disclosure of existing issues discovered during soil testing or field work?

“The actual draft and final soil testing results will be initially shared with property owners. If the property owners wish to disclose the information prior to […]
June 15, 2020

Can members have a detailed map identifying groundwater and aquifers in the Delta?

At this time, DCA does not have knowledge of detailed maps of the groundwater aquifers in the Delta that extend across county boundaries to form a […]
June 15, 2020

What is the process in place for any undocumented cultural sites that might be discovered during construction?

DWR routinely includes a set of best management practices in construction contracts to address the potential for unanticipated discovery of archaeological materials. The environmental analysis will […]
June 15, 2020

Is there a map reflecting the history of settlement of Native peoples?

DWR, as the CEQA lead agency, will conduct a CEQA analysis on the proposed Delta Conveyance program that includes analyzing potential impacts to cultural and tribal […]
June 15, 2020

Can we add to Map 8: historical sites, cultural resources and Indian burial grounds?

Public disclosure of the locations of archaeological resources and tribal cultural resources, including human remains, may make those resources vulnerable to theft and vandalism as well […]