The geotechnical data currently being evaluated consist of project-specific data collected over the past years by DWR, supplemented by historic data from other agencies. The project […]
DWR, as the CEQA lead agency, will conduct a CEQA analysis on the proposed Delta Conveyance program that includes analyzing potential impacts to biological, cultural and […]
Yes. The exploration locations will be documented with survey coordinates using current datums, and a metallic pin will also be buried in the top of the […]
“The actual draft and final soil testing results will be initially shared with property owners. If the property owners wish to disclose the information prior to […]
DWR routinely includes a set of best management practices in construction contracts to address the potential for unanticipated discovery of archaeological materials. The environmental analysis will […]
DWR, as the CEQA lead agency, will conduct a CEQA analysis on the proposed Delta Conveyance program that includes analyzing potential impacts to cultural and tribal […]
Public disclosure of the locations of archaeological resources and tribal cultural resources, including human remains, may make those resources vulnerable to theft and vandalism as well […]