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What is the anticipated labor load for each shift and the plan for caring for and feeding of those individuals?

June 12, 2020

What is the anticipated labor load for each shift and the plan for caring for and feeding of those individuals?

Labor estimates will be developed on a monthly basis for each construction site. In addition, use of centralized parking areas, mobile food trucks and centralized material […]
June 12, 2020

Is the build still anticipated to take 13 years?

The preliminary construction schedule is currently estimated at 13 years. More detailed schedules are under development and would depend on identified tunnel drive lengths. Construction schedules […]
June 12, 2020

Will conveyor belts be moving RTM across farmland to the drying areas?

Conveyors could be located either within a construction site or parallel to roads to minimize vehicle use. The specific uses for conveyors are currently being developed […]
June 12, 2020

Has there been any analysis on how far away the top end of Launch Site B is from urban housing to the east and north?

The screening process presented in the February 12, 2020, Stakeholder Engagement Committee meeting considered avoidance of construction within adopted city spheres of influence boundaries. The initial […]
June 12, 2020

How many miles are between the Eastern Corridor’s Launch Site B to the Port of Stockton?

The potential Launch Site B presented in the February 12, 2020, Stakeholder Engagement Committee meeting is approximately 3 to 4 miles from the Port of Stockton.
June 12, 2020

Are there going to be activities such as dewatering, power lines or pipelines between the launch shafts in addition to construction of the launch shaft sites?

All construction between tunnel shafts is anticipated to be located at the TBM below the ground. Dewatering would not occur along the tunnel alignment between tunnel […]
June 12, 2020

Do you plan to rehabilitate the levees at launch sites and to what level in order to protect construction operations?

The work areas at the tunnel launch sites would be placed on elevated pads to protect the site from the 200-year flood event, sea level rise […]
June 12, 2020

When peat dirt is displaced, what mitigation efforts will be made to make sure the peat doesn’t increase the asthma problems in the Delta?

Excavated soils, with or without peat, would need to be managed on-site to prevent particulate matter, including dust and peat material, from leaving the construction site […]
June 12, 2020

How many tons of concrete will be poured on the launch shaft site pads?

At a tunnel launch shaft, a gantry style crane probably would be used for support of the tunneling operations, and a temporary concrete pad would be […]