During the design phase, soil investigations would identify soil types and groundwater pressures by location to allow for planning of adequate soil conditioners and TBM face […]
The environmental impact analysis for Delta Conveyance will include evaluation of cultural resources, including potential areas with human habitation. This comment is related to the scope […]
Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) data currently are not included in most Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan construction permits. Historically, analysis for potential for algal blooms in the […]
Initial soil investigation methods were proposed and are being evaluated through a Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (published in November 20, 2019) by DWR. Water quality […]
DWR’s environmental review process will evaluate permitting requirements for the proposed project. Placement of the RTM at the construction site for either temporary or long-term storage […]
The dewatering water would be tested to determine if on-site treatment would be required prior to reuse or removal from the site. The treatment could range […]
The soil material coming out of the tunneling or shaft excavations would be conveyed to a material classification area where it would be placed within smaller […]
Soil conditioners would only be removed from the RTM if determined to be necessary as part of the testing program. Generally, the expected concentrations of conditioners […]
DWR will be analyzing air quality in the environmental review. This comment could be related to the scope of DWR’s EIR; please consider submitting this comment […]