The ITR report’s note reflects the fact that the current tunnel corridors do not contain active faults and tunneling options themselves would not be uniquely affected by seismic considerations. It was not expressing any opinion regarding the need for or benefit of Delta Conveyance for providing increased seismic reliability to the State Water Project. On this point, in 2014 the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) estimated that there was a 72% probability of a magnitude 6.7 or greater earthquake (a “major event”) occurring in the San Francisco Bay Area by 2043. Levees in portions of the Delta could be at risk of failure in the event of a “major event,” such as an earthquake of at least magnitude 6.7. If the levee failures occur in portions of the western, central or southern Delta, the reliability of freshwater SWP diversions at Clifton Court Forebay could be compromised.