Royce Fast

Royce Fast
Alternate Director, representing Kern County Water Agency
Royce Fast has served as a Director for the Kern County Water Agency (Agency) for eight years and currently serves as President. He also currently serves on the Fresno Pacific University Board of Trustees. During his tenure, Royce has played an important role through his involvement in a variety of Agency activities associated with the State Water Project, the Delta Conveyance Project and local groundwater management programs.
As Director of Division 6, Royce represents the region of Kern County which generally encompasses the areas of Oildale, Westchester, and Northwest Bakersfield. He has provided guidance by serving as Chairman of the Water Resources Committee and played an integral role in the formation of the Kern Groundwater Authority which was established to provide a framework for the management of the groundwater basin underlying the valley portion of Kern County. Royce has served on the Board of Director since its inception in 2014 with the goal to preserve and maintain local control of groundwater resources and provide long term surety for all basin users.
Royce is a native of Bakersfield and a fourth-generation farmer in the Rosedale area. He served 15 years on the Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District Board until being elected to the Agency Board.