Bob Tincher
Bob Tincher
Alternate Director, representing San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District
Bob Tincher is the Chief Resources Officer/Deputy General Manager for the San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District. He is a Registered Civil Engineer in the State of California and has a master’s degree in Engineering from California Polytechnic University, Pomona with a bachelor’s degree in Engineering from the University of Redlands.
Bob has spent over 28 years with the San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District working on a variety of large, multi-agency projects and programs including One Water One Watershed, an Integrated Regional Water Management Plan for the Santa Ana River Watershed, and the Upper Santa Ana River Watershed Integrated Regional Water Management Plan. He also helped develop the Santa Ana River Conservation and Conjunctive Use Program. Bob is currently participating in the development of the $3 billion Sites Reservoir Project and the $16 billion Delta Conveyance Project which will benefit people throughout the State of California.